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Contract Manufacturing


Our determination to provide the best quality products with the latest innovations, fast performance, pro-client services and an environment dedicated to compliance has made us a leader in the nutrition industry. We are committed to providing quality, hygiene, safety, and nutritious products to meet pre-determined standards in line with international regulatory requirements.

Calibro , by serving you as a contract manufacturer, offers many benefits to your company. With Calibro you can save on costs, benefit from high skill sets, get high levels of quality control and you can focus on your core competencies. In other words, we prove to be beneficial as well as essential for your company's overall growth.

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contract manufactering

Private Labelling


Private labelling has a lot of benefits from a branding perspective. But, also have multiple barriers and hurdles. These can cause serious hold-ups for entrepreneurs. One of the biggest hurdles in this obstacle course is sourcing the best private label manufacturer for your product. Calibro is the best of the bunch for private labelling solutions as per your requirements.

Innovative packaging & design


We incorporate the same amount of love and affection into packaging solutions as we do with the products we produce. That you rarely find. Introducing a new generation of forward-thinking flexible packaging beyond bags and boxes. At the end of the day, we are more than just a package provider. We're your newest business partner - experienced enough to anticipate your every manufacturing obstacle and talented enough to make overcoming them feel effortless. Packing that protects your health and personal care. Protecting your product to the best of our ability is part of our mission. We aim to ensure that the public, our customers and business partners have confidence in the products bearing our name and that our products are manufactured in accordance with a guiding code of conduct. We are committed to conducting business with ethical business standards and ask its vendors, suppliers and licensees to conduct themselves in the same manner.

To live healthy and energized, you should take all the nutrition through food supplements. Calibro Nutrasciences is the leading manufacturer of nutraceutical products in India. Here you can get world-class food supplements products which are made of superior quality.